Title: Self Portrait
Course: FMX 310 – Creative Coding
Term: Fall 2019
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Statement: This illustration was created using 2 separate digital images as a reference while writing HTML in Adobe Dreamweaver to create an image in CANVA.. The first source image is me playing the snare drum at a Marine Corps Birthday Ball Celebration in Honolulu, HI (2017). The other is a stock photo of the White House from google images. Regardless of political affiliation, I whole heartedly supported the Commander in Chief throughout my military career. The lack of ears on the figure represent this steadfast and devoted attitude that would not be swayed by political interests.
White House Stock Photo
USMC Drummer Illustration by Joshua Campbell

HTML CODE for ETERNAL MOTION – Joshua Campbell
Title: Rainbow Dancer (Eternal Motion)
Course: FMX 310 – Creative Coding
Term: Fall 2019
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Statement: The inspiration from this project came from a combination of watching Monty Python Movies and the Fall edition of the UT school paper that followed the LGBTQ Film Fest in Tampa. Done in a cut-out animation style, the Tampa Theater image was cut out of the UT Paper. The Silhoette was hand drawn, cut out, scanned, and then filled with the rainbow texture inside Adobe Photoshop. The rainbow texture was also complements of the UT paper.

Title: Patriotic Vector Mandala
Course: FMX 310 – Creative Coding
Term: Fall 2019
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Statement: This mandala pays homage to the United States, from it’s British roots to the 50th state in the union (Hawaii). Images of the American Flag with colors of Red, White, and Blue are very obvious symbols that represent the Nation. The 5 point star is displayed prominently in the center, which is symbolic of the individual states in the union. The individual objects in this composition were first drawn by hand, then recreated in Adobe Illustrator as a vector graphic. After converting individual objects to HTML, I was able to animate them as Canvas objects.

Title: Image Mandala
Course: FMX 310 – Creative Coding
Term: Fall 2019
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Statement: This mandala is a visual representation of the sound from the organ in the UT Chapel. The images were taken with a cannon 5D and a 55mm lens. Using Adobe Photoshop, I was able to isolate individual objects and remove the backgrounds.

Title: World Traveler: Video Mandala
Course: FMX 310 – Creative Coding
Term: Fall 2019
Professor: Santiago Echeverry
Statement: This video mandala compiles short video segments taken with my iPhone while traveling in the Marine Corps throughout the Continental United States, and the Pacific. Some of the locations include Hawaii, American Samoa, Tonga Guam, and Saipan. Adobe Illustrator was used to create the vector graphic illustration elements.
Title: Text Mandala
Course: FMX 310 – Creative Coding
Term: Fall 2019
Professor: Santiago Echeverry

Title: Nas Feratu
Course: FMX 210
Term: Spring 2019
Professor: Blanca Roundtree